LRY Continental Conference, August 1967, Western College for Women


Group photograph
L. to R., First (bottom) Row:

Richard Kossow, LRY Executive Director
Susan Ramsay, Central Mass pres
William Sinkford, Staff (LRY pres 65-66, now UUA executive)
Debbie Mendelsohn (?), Norfolk Suffolk Fed
David Cauley, OVF,
Rick Malmgrem, GWAF pres,
Yvonne Goss, LSD (or could this be Laurie Gardner, LRY exec comm?)
Dan Akron, Social responsibility member at large, Atlanta
Gorde (Menlo) MacFarlane, LRY VP
Carla (the Vermont Maid) Rippey, LRY Director, Cont. Conf. 68
Steven Hardgrove, LRY Director, Relations
unknown (possibly Susan Rippey),
Larry Mason, Central Mass
Greg Sweigert, LRY pres 67-68
Ken Friedman, editor Promethean, NERC rabbi
Krissa Rippey, outgoing MICON chair
Joel Charrow, LAF

Short second row (starts in middle, above Carla Rippey):
Ruth Wahtera, LRY pres 1966-67 (?)
Rick Tsukada, LRY VP 66-67
Patty Johns, Conference chair
Peter Helmer, Sahili
Candida Thomas, Sahili (?)
Larry Williams, ARF, Columbus, OH
John Oughton on motorcycle, Conference Registrar

Third row, left to right: (looks like 2nd row)
Jim Strichartz, DVF,
Jane Guthe, SAM VP (?)
Willem deVries, SAM Pres,
Ian Morrison, standing, ECF
unknown behind John Oughton,
Jon Borwein, ECF

Fourth row, l to r, looks like 3rd row:
unknown female,
unknown female,
unknown female,
unknown female,
unknown male,
unknown female, sitting lower

unknown female, sitting higher
Linda Watson, GWAF
Larry Ladd, NERC chair, Central Mass Fed. (?)
unknown female,

unknown male,
unknown female,
unknown female,
unknown male,
unknown female,
Mike Wollowitz, Mohawk Fed
unknown male,
unknown female,
unknown female,
unknown female,
unknown female

Fifth row, l to r, looks like 4th row:
unknown male,
unknown female,

(empty spot created by clump from fourth row)

Sixth row, l to r, looks like 5th row:
Bob Yaeger, JAF pres
Amy Grossman, LAF
Livy Rasero, LAF pres
Josh Prager, MAF

Heather Coleman, GWAF, LRY secretary
John Kramer, GWAF pres
Julie Wilkins, GWAF
Mike Guerin, GWAF
Carol Bischoff, SunCo
unknown female,
Kath Harris, GWAF
Lauray Furie, MAF, MARC vice chair
Chollie Eisengreim, DVF
Anne Sheridan, GWAF
Barbara Jones, ARF, Akron OH
unknown female,
unknown male,
unknown female,
Ross Taylor, MAF
Dave Bryce, MAF pres (now UU minister, Hastings-on-Hudson NY)
unknown female

Seventh row, l to r, looks like 6th row:
Susie Bowman, GWAF
Clint Confehr, GWAF
Amy Taylor, GWAF
Barbie Howe, GWAF
Peter Hankin, GWAF
John C. Scott, GWAF
Fran Barringer, GWAF
Bob Wallace, GWAF
Jocelyn Jackson, GWAF
Ann Bailey, DVF
unknown female,
unknown female,
Ross Quinn, PSLRY
unknown female,
unknown female,
unknown female,
unknown male,
Steve Bridgens, MVF
unknown thief wearing Jay Beebe's hat

Eighth row, l to r, looks like 7th row:

Chris Sorrentino, GWAF
Jon Angel, GWAF
unknown male,
Ray Kottke, Mohawk pres (?)
Robin Wenk, GWAF
Sue Oden, DVF
Lisa Lundelius, DVF
Chad Smith, DVF
unknown female (looks like Evelyn Bradley but she isn't registered)
Paul Dimaggio, DVF
Debby Lilly, DVF (?)
Beth Stone, GWAF
Steve Gagne, DVF
Suzanne Schwartz, GWAF, MARC chair
Kiakes Chastain, DVF
unknown female,
Chris Sewall, RMF
unknown female,
unknown male,
unknown male,
unknown female,
Wayne Arnason, SAM NEWT (?)
unknown male,
unknown male,
Ann Redding, DVF
John Grannis, JAF

Ninth row, l to r, looks like 8th row:
unknown female,
Mindy Plummer (?) OVF
unknown male,
Anne Campbell, OVF, Indianapolis, IN
Dean Riley, ARF pres. 67-68, Summit Sta. OH,
unknown female,
Jay Beebe, stubbing out cigarette, ARF, Erie PA (?)
unknown male,
unknown female,
Leif Running, Wyeast
unknown female,
unknown female,
John Fisher, GWAF
Jane Miller, GWAF
Mark Larson, Michindoh
Abbi Bradski, PSLRY
unknown male,
Kevin Gillan, Missouri Valley Fed
unknown female,
unknown male,
unknown male,
unknown female,
Bob or Howie Holtzman (? -- yawning) MIF

Tenth row, l to r, looks like 9th row:
George E. Gowan III, (standing), Bay Shore Fed
unknown male,
unknown male,
Sam Ross, OVF,
Mark Hoornstra, ARF, Cleveland OH
unknown male,
unknown female staff,
Ginger Kossow, wife of Executive Director
unknown male staff,
unknown female,
unknown male,
unknown male,
unknown male,
Evi baby Sheridan, CMF
Kris Liljequist, CMF
unknown female,
unknown male,
unknown female,
unknown female,
unknown female,
Paul Collier, CMF
Bruce Elwell, staff
Chris Raible, staff (?)

Last half row, staff only:
Ruth Elwell
Hugo Holleroth
Bill Moors