Carla Rippey, conference chair, in the dining hall


Ken Friedman in St.Johns' dorm b4 conference -- Zebra Suit?

Ken again, losing Zebra (?)


LRY Continental Conference, August 1968, St. Johns College, Santa Fe, NM

What was the theme? Community? Global Village?

Names, feds and other info, 1968 in Santa Fe (incomplete, parts of first 2 rows)

Group photograph

First row, feet in the water, from Right to Left:
Steven Hardgrove, San Mateo, CA, outgoing LRY director of relations
Ginger Kossow, wife of outgoing LRY executive director
Carla Rippey, left arm over Ginger, chair of conference, outgoing LRY director (Omaha, NB)
unidentified Kossow child in Carla's lap
Heather Coleman, outgoing LRY secretary, McLean VA, GWAF
Jon Borwein, ECF
Willem deVries, outgoing SAM pres, Lynchburg, VA
Kevin Gillan, outgoing LRY treasurer, Antioch, Omaha, NB
Ken Friedman, outgoing editor Promethean, NERC Rabbi, San Diego, CA, born 1937
Candida Thomas (?) Vancouver, Sahili
Cyn Drabek, DVF
Kathy Booth, GWAF
Lisa Lundelius, incoming DVF president
unknown male,
unknown male,
unknown female,
Burt Cohen, incoming MAF president
that NERC guy visible in the NERO photos...
Billy "Hot Lips" Bikales, incoming LAF president
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Second row, right to left
(they're all bunched up, so let's start with the standing guy...)
Richard Kossow, outgoing executive director, LRY (position disappearing!)
Greg Sweigert, outgoing LRY president, leaning over
Gorde Macfarlane, outgoing LRY veep
Mindy Plummer, GOD, Kettering, OH
Mike Smeltzer, CMF, Deerfield, IL, produced LRY album
Jon Cowtan, outgoing SAM NEWT president, Winnipeg
Joel Charrow, LAF
Lauray Furie, outgoing MARC vice chair, MAF
Ross Quinn, PSLRY
Jack Fleming, GWAF
unknown female,
Sue Tanaka, Denver
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